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Myth: Immigrants Hurt the Economy Because They Don't Pay Taxes!

FACT: Contrary to popular belief, immigrants pay a substantial amount of taxes, from federal income and Social Security taxes to state income, sales, and property taxes.

FACT: The IRS estimates that undocumented immigrants alone paid $50 billion in taxes from 1996 to 2003.

FACT: A 2007 White House Council of Economic Advisers study reports that immigrants and their families contribute an average of $80,000 more than they use in benefits.

As the debate over illegal immigration continues to rage, some pundits and policymakers are claiming that unauthorized immigrants do not pay taxes and rely heavily on government benefits. Neither of these claims is borne out by the facts. Undocumented men have work force participation rates that are higher than other workers, and all undocumented immigrants are ineligible for most government services, but pay taxes as workers, consumers, and residents.

Source: AILA
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