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Is Your Marriage Over?

Are you feeling like divorce is your only option? Are deep seeded anger, a history of hurt feelings, and an even longer history of unresolved arguments overwhelming you with the thought that it may finally be time to throw in the towel on your marriage? Have counseling and multiple attempts at restructuring your relationship and changing how you and your spouse communicate not worked out how you had hoped? If you find yourself in this situation, it may indeed be time to consider getting a divorce. If you are still unsure though, there are a few things to look for that may help you make it easier to move on from your marriage.
Three Signs that Signify a Possible End to your Marriage
One surefire signal that a large problem exists in your marriage is that you and your spouse no longer communicate. You may ignore each other, appear uninterested in what the other has to say, or prefer not to be in the other’s company. There are many different circumstances that could have caused this result, but the simplest explanation is that you and your spouse have grown apart. This often happens to couples that were married too young. Over time you may have developed more personally, gained a stronger sense of who you are, and found out that you are a much different person than you were when you got married. It may be possible that this new you no longer has anything in common with your spouse and this alone may signify to you that your marriage no longer makes sense. If this is the case, your spouse may be feeling the same way and you may be able to reach the decision to dissolve your marriage mutually.
Another major issue that signals that your marriage may be heading in the wrong direction is when you realize that you no longer see eye to eye about the future. In the beginning, when everything was fresh and new, you may have had grand ideas of where your lives would take you or you might have reveled in the dreams that the two of you shared. Somewhere along the way things became clouded and those dreams collapsed under the weight of responsibilities, new goals, or miscommunication. If these new future plans and interests do not mesh with those of your spouse and they make you grow further apart from each other, it may be time to move on. After talking it over with your spouse and understanding where things went wrong, this may be another instance where you reach the decision mutually. If a compromise cannot be reached, you may have no other option.
Lastly, if your spouse recognizes that he or she is doing something to cause you stress or pain but he or she fails to acknowledge or makes no attempt to stop, it may be time to move on. In any marriage, it is extremely important that you and your spouse listen to one another’s needs. This is especially crucial when one spouse is mentally harming the other. In this situation, your spouse’s unwillingness to acknowledge the fact that they are hurting you may signal that they no longer have respect for you or no longer care if your relationship continues. If they no longer care, there may be little you can do to preserve your marriage.

Still Not Sure? Discuss Your Options with an Experienced Divorce Attorney
If you are forced with the tough decision of whether or not to get divorced, it always helps to talk things over with an experienced attorney that will have your best interests in mind.  

Source: Dishon & Block
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