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Georgia School District Faces More Than 400 Layoffs

In light of the financial difficulties that many companies and organizations in Georgia and across the U.S. are facing, layoffs have become all too common. If you are faced with the prospect of losing your job, or if you have just lost your job, it would be wise to speak with an employment law attorney to ensure that your legal rights are protected.
A recent report indicates that school employees in DeKalb County received word on Friday that they will lose their jobs at the end of the month. Apparently, the school district is experiencing a budget shortfall of nearly $80 million. The district plans to eliminate more than 400 jobs by the end of the month to fill that hole.
At one facility where cuts are taking place, employees were notified on Friday that their positions would be eliminated on July 31. One employee at the location said that the workers knew the cuts were coming and that having a sense of closure eliminated a great deal of anxiety. Although he was one of employees who will lose his job, he said that knowing what is going to happen feels good because at least now he knows what's going on.
The elimination of the jobs is expected to save the district close to $17 million. The cuts were not called layoffs and employees were notified that they could reapply for their jobs. The decision leaves some employees in the same situation as many others across the U.S. After losing a job in such a tough market, it could be difficult for some to obtain a new job in a reasonable amount of time.

EDIT: Immigration Express
Source: wsbtv.com
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