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  • V
    -1 Visa:
    A V-1 visa is a nonimmigrant visa that is issued to foreign spouses of legal permanent residents in the U.S. to grant temporary entrance into the country while they wait for an immigrant visa. The V series visas were created by the Legal Immigration Family Equity Act. In other words, it's a temporary visa granted to specific people who are waiting on an immigrant visa. The only people who qualify for the V-1 visa are foreign national spouses of U.S. Legal Permanent Residents who have waited at least three years for an immigrant visa. The spouse must be eligible to obtain a visa also. The V-1 visa is good for two years but extensions are possible to obtain if immigrant visas are not available. Immigrant visas may not be available if the annual ceiling limit has been raised or there is a backlog in processing applications. The spouse can work on the V-1 visa after obtaining Employment Authorization. [ more ]
  • V
    -2 Visa:
    The V-2 visa is a nonimmigrant visa issued to the unmarried children of a person who is a lawful permanent resident of the United States. A child is someone who is under 21 years old. In other words, the V-2 visa is issued to children of a Green Card holder who filed a petition before 21-December-2000. This visa classification was created by the Legal Immigration Family Equity Act (LIFE) and is meant to keep families together. The petition for an immigrant or permanent visa must be at least 3 years old for the child to qualify for a V-2 visa. The visa is issued so that the children applying for the visa do not have to wait outside the U.S. and be separated from their parents while waiting for their petition to be granted. [ more ]
  • V
    -3 Visa:
    The V-3 visa is a nonimmigrant visa issued to the children of V-1 and V-2 visa holders. A child is considered to be anyone under 21 years old. The V series visas are temporary visas issued when a petitioner has been waiting for at least three years for a permanent or immigrant visa to be issued. The V-3 visa, in effect, gives a temporary visa to the children of foreign national spouses or foreign national children in the U.S. on V series visas as relatives of U.S. permanent residents. People on a V-3 visa can enter and stay in the U.S. while waiting for their permanent visa petition to be processed. The children must have filed their petition for permanent resident status before 21-December-2000 and the petition must be at least 3 years old. [ more ]
  • V
    isa Waiver Program:
    The Visa Waiver Program (VWP) is a program that allows residents of 35 listed countries to enter the U.S. only for reasons of tourism or business and stay for 90 days or less without a visa. The purpose of this program is to encourage tourism and travel and to efficiently use Department of State and Department of Homeland Security resources. Nationals of the listed countries do not get automatic permission though to enter the U.S. They must still meet visa eligibility requirements. The nationals allowed to enter the U.S. for travel or business will obtain authorization through the Electronic System for Travel Authorization and must be enrolled in the Department of Home Security's US-Visit Program. The countries on the Visa Waiver Program are approved by the U.S. government based on security and other guidelines. Each traveler must have a valid passport [ more ]
  • V
    Visas are the official endorsement on a document required to secure an alien's admission to a country. A document such as a passport is one example. There are two types of visas that currently exist, one is a nonimmigrant and one is an immigrant. An immigrant visa allows a person to live in the United States permanently and ultimately work towards citizenship. A nonimmigrant visa may vary in duration as it simply allows an individual to be in the country on a temporary basis, this can be as simple as a short visit or the necessary duration for a job or education. There are a limited number of both types of visas given out each year by the government. [ more ]
  • V
    isitor Visa:
    A visitor visa is a temporary visa type that allows an individual access to a country such as the United States for a short term. Purposes include a short business or pleasure trip or medical treatment that one hopes to seek in a country other than their own. A B1 visa is the usual type of visitor visa that is provided to those that properly apply for this temporary visa that has a short duration attached to it. [ more ]
  • V
    oluntary Departure:
    The term Voluntary Departure refers to the departure of an alien or undocumented immigrant from the United States on a voluntary basis. The person leaves the country without waiting for an order of removal issued by an immigration judge in a court of law. Sometimes a hearing is held before the person leaves but not always. A voluntary departure can take place whether or not a hearing is held. When a person leaves on a voluntary basis, he or she is not barred from seeking re-entry to the U.S. after adhering to all the rules for application. But if someone is ordered to leave the country and does not do so within the allotted time period, he or she will be fined and barred for 10 years from seeking relief from deportation. [ more ]
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